Electronic calculator for date calculation
The period and number of days after (or before) the date can be calculated.
For example, the following calculations can be made.
・20 days after Jan 1 2013
・Period between Jan 1 2013 and Jan 31 2013
※ Calculated date will be a positive number if calculated using "+" and a negative number if calculated using "-".
・10,000 x period between Jan 1 2013 and Feb 1 2013 etc.
The paid version will also have the following functions.
●Day-exclusion function
When calculating the period, certain specified days can be excluded.
Example: When calculating the period between Jan 1 2013 and Jan 31 2013
[Result for all days included]
30 days
[Result excluding weekends]
22 days
●Event selection function
Date can be selected from event information in the standard calendar app installed on the iPhone and iPod Touch.
For repeat events, only the nearest date will be displayed.
※Events up to two years before and after the date will be displayed.
※Difference with the free version of Calc&DateF is the availability of the event selection function and day-exclusion function.